Instagram was LIT with Pottermania this month with old cast members meeting up at LA bars, seeing The Cursed Child, and bringing their banter with them.
Most fans of the movie adaptations of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter books dream of a big old Hogwarts reunion, complete with all their favourite characters (some of whom would have to be brought back to life *sniffsob*).
Two of our faves- Tom Felton who played Draco Malfoy and Matthew Lewis AKA Neville Longbottom- got together in Los Angeles for their own mini reunion. Posting on Instagram, the young men posed together with a Slytherin backpack- Felton seemingly threatening Lewis until he gives in and joins the other Hogwarts house.
“See how close he was to converting” Felton boasts on the Instagram post, finishing with the hashtag “Gryffindork”.
Lewis, on the other hand, was having none of it. In his own Instagram post he quotes a film Felton was recently a part of- The Planet of the Apes (2011)- telling Felton to “Get off me, you damned, dirty ape!”
It doesn’t look like Lewis will be joining the Dark Lord any time soon! Always knew Neville Longbottom was a good egg.