When I was growing up my mother always had her nose in a Mills & Boon romance novel, and while considered trashy they kept many people reading for many years. In more recent times the brand has fallen out of favour but HarperCollins is giving the books a new lease of life, relaunching the 110-year old brand earlier this year with a facelift and a fresh approach.
Now Mills & Boon has teamed up with PR Agency Taylor Herring to launch a nationwide summer reading campaign and has commissioned ten short stories all set in the UK’s most romantic spots.
Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye in Scotland has been revealed as Britain’s most romantic place with Grasmere in the Lake District and Bath coming in second and third place. Now each of the top ten places will be celebrated with a specially commissioned Mills & Boon short story set in that location and include titles such as “A Scandalous Liaison on Skye” and “A Passionate Portmeirion Proposal”. Each one is written by a local author with extensive knowledge of the area and feature exclusive Mills & Boon cover art.
The ten stories are as follows, each set in what is considered to be the UK’s most romantic locations:
A Scandalous Liaison on Skye
His Lover from the Lakes
The Duke’s Royal Crescent Revelation
A Dorset Wedding to Remember
Coming Home to the Cornish Isles
A Passionate Port Meirion Proposal
The Cotswolds Consultant
A Midsummer Night’s Minack Dream
One Enchanted Cambridge Night
First Kiss at Causeway
All ten short stories are free to read and available here at the Mills & Boon website

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