There really is not an awful lot I can say about this amazing rendition of a beautiful piece of poetry other than I don’t think I have ever felt a poem quite so much.
Recited by Morgan Freeman from memory, his voice is just amazing and the feeling he imparts upon the words and his knowledge of just how much this poem meant to Nelson Mandela during his incarceration adds such a depth to the poem’s meaning it is – and I rarely use this word – awesome.

Listen to Alfred, Lord Tennyson Read ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ on Wax Cylinder
Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote The Charge of the Light Brigade in 1854 after reading a…

The Devil all the Time adaptation coming to Netflix
October 3, 2020
The Devil all the Time adaptation coming to Netflix
Netflix is bringing Donald Ray Pollock's The Devil All The Time to our screens. The…

This book repair video is full of unintentional and very satisfying ASMR triggers.
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Polish government has added a video game to the educational reading list
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Watch Taika Waititi and friends read James & the Giant Peach
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The Obamas read ‘The Word Collector’ for a family read-a-long
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