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National Books Awards 2017: Finalists Revealed

By October 4, 2017Literary Awards, Literature, News

The finalists for the National Book Awards 2017 have been revealed today with 20 books across four main categories, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and young people’s literature.

The National Book Award is a prestigious prize, the prize was established in 1936 by the American Booksellers Association, and while abandoned during WWII, was re-established in 1950. The award is giving to US authors, and the award ceremony takes place in November.

Before the winners are announced, a final list is decided by judges and it’s from these finalists that the winners are chosen. The 2017 finalists are announced, and of the twenty authors, fifteen are women! Here’s the list for each genre for the 2017 award:




Young People’s Literature

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