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Ocasio-Cortez stars in a butt-kicking graphic novel!

By February 28, 2019News, Political

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York rep and fresh face of American politics, will star as an ass-kicking superhero in a comic book created by Devil’s Due Comics. 

The team behind the commemorative comic announced recently that a team of artists are working on “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And The Freshman Force. Issue #1, New Party: Who Dis?” The title came about after AOC’s pithy reply to a former Democratis senator who said how he hoped she ‘was not the new face of the Democratic Party’, to which Alexandria replied “New party- who dis?”

Devil’s Due Comics stated that the new comic book will see Ocasio-Cortez “engage in a series of super-heroic mini-adventures, taking on the GOP establishment from within. To boot, this anthology comic satirically skewers everyone from President Trump to his near-endless team of morally-compromised Republican cronies,” They also noted that book will feature “bonus” activities and games like “Where’s Mitch?”

Publisher of Devil’s Due, Josh Blaylock said the company wants to “create something that celebrates the fresh new energy and diversity of the stagnated legislative body, and help some good causes at the same time. It’s no secret that AOC has been made the unofficial leader of the new school and has sparked new life into Washington. And that’s reflected in the enthusiasm we received from so many contributing artists. While we all don’t agree on everything, we share a common excitement for the breath of fresh air the new Congress brings. I hope it’s as much of a cathartic release for readers as it has been for us creators.”

The publishing company also promised to redirect part of its sales from the comic book to the America’s United Service Organizations and, which provides free legal services to underserved immigrant children, families and refugees.

The comic is due for release on May 15th.


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