Are You My Mother was a favourite with my children when they were younger but I had no idea just how long ago they were written. Eastman was born on 25th November 1909 and would live a rich life as Disney animator, Dr. Seuss protégé and prolific children’s author and illustrator.
Although Eastman wrote and illustrated many books during his career, Are You My Mother is probably the most famous, and most loved, and even today more than a hundred years since the author’s birth, it’s still as adorable as ever!
I found this little animated version of the book on You Tube and I suspect the little ones would love it. It’s decades since the book was published but it’s just as magic as it was when it was written!
If your little ones don’t have any Eastman on their bookshelves yet, I highly recommend picking up a copy of this for them.
Eastman’s rhythmic style and Seuss-esque repetitive storytelling is magic for early readers and holds its own against the children’s authors of today.

The Devil all the Time adaptation coming to Netflix