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Pride and Prejudice House’s £33 Million Renovation

Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, where the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice was filmed, is due for a renovation.

The Duke of Devonshire had decided the house needed a certain amount of care and attention, and the installation of WIFI, if it is to be financially viable in the future. It is said to be the most costly and time-consuming renovation for nearly 200 years.

The scaffolding was removed from the ‘Pride and Prejudice house’ in March 2018 to show the work that has been done over the past 10 years, costing £32.7 million. The work has restored it to its former glory with Chatsworth’s blackened sandstone cleaned and restored,, and the finials on the roof painstakingly covered in dazzling gold leaf.

Once coated in centuries of pollution, the windows are now glistening and once again the surrounding bars are covered in gold.

In the early days of the restoration, the Duke of Devonshire had remarked: ‘When it is finished it will be very vulgar but very historically correct.’

Would the Mr Darcy approve of the gaudy decor?

Check out these before and after pictures of the famous house from Pride and Prejudice (2005)

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