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Prince’s Memoir to Be Published Later This Year

By May 14, 2018New Releases

Prince is easily one of the greatest musicians to have lived and was ranked among the likes of Elton John, Madonna, and Michael Jackson when it came to contributions to music. The world mourned when Prince passed away in 2016 and his death was deeply felt by the music industry. Those who continue to enjoy Prince’s music will be pleased to learn that his memoir, which he was working on before he died, is set to be published later this year.

Called The Beautiful One, Prince had submitted only 50 pages to his publisher before his death in April 2016. It has since been reported by The Independent that Prince had been working on the memoir with the help of author Dan Piepenbring. Work has continued on the book since the musician’s death and publishing agent Esther Newburg believes it will be released “just in time for holiday season.”

Prince hand wrote many pages of the memoir and it is thought that these pages will be reproduced in the upcoming book. When the book was first announced, it was described as “an unconventional and poetic journey through [Prince’s] life and creative work.”

The book will no doubt give fans a look into the personal life of the entertainer, some of which will be in his own words. An exact release date for the book is yet to be revealed but it looks like we can expect it sometime this Autumn.

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