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Religious Activist Burns LGBT Books (and we’re suggesting them to read!)

By October 25, 2018News, Political

A religious activist who is the leader of a northwest Iowa pro-life, anti-homosexuality Facebook group made a Facebook Live video on Friday in which he burned several LGBT books from the Orange City Public Library, during the city’s Orange County Pride Event last weekend.

The video, which has now been removed from Facebook show Paul Dorr taking a page straight from the Nazi playbook, showed Dorr burning several books, all with an LGBT message in what he said was protest to the reading of children’s book Bunnybear at the local OC Pride event.

He called the reading ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’ and cited, among other things ‘classroom sex talk’, which is actually sexual education, something he would like to see eliminated in favour of biblical, marriage based curriculum; the failure of some churches to combat homosexuality; and Northwestern College for staging a play that portrayed homosexuality in a favourable light.

He burned the books he feels were designed “to get 12 to 13 year old boys to start having homosexual sex together”, and despite the books being children’s books, he claimed he couldn’t read them out loud because they were so filthy and disgusting.

We of course feel a little differently on this matter and we’d love to see more people reading these books. Not to mention the fact that Dorr destroyed library property, the man is clearly a fascist and we’re sure you’d hate it if you bought any of these books to read. So here they are, off to Amazon you go! Bonus points if you send them to the Orange City Public Library (112 Albany Ave SE, Orange City, IA 51041, USA).

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