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Scientist in Remote Antarctic Outpost Stabs Colleague for Spoiling Book Endings

By November 1, 2018News

A scientist working in a remote outpost in Antartica has become the first person in the region to ever be charged with attempted murder after stabbing a colleague who kept spoiling the endings to the books he was reading.

Sergey Savitsky, 55, and Oleg Beloguzov, 52, passed the lonely hours at the outpost during four harsh years together with their shared loved of literature. Readers will understand how special stories could be to two scientists stationed at the edge of the earth.

However Beloguzov kept telling Savitsky the endings, making the scientist more and more frustrated. Eventually he snapped, stabbing his friend and colleague in the chest.

The victim is now in intensive care after being flown from Russia’s Bellingshuasen research station on King George Island to Chile with a knife injury to his heart. Savistky is at home in St Petersburg under house arrest and has been charged with attempted murder.

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