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Stephen King breaks his own rule and gets trolled

By November 14, 2018Authors, News

Stephen King was on Twitter not long ago stating how overused the word ‘amazing’ is, and urging writers to choose a more interesting replacement.

He accused the word of being “very tired”, and asked for “something more pungent & specific, please”.

Skip a month later and King’s face soon turned red after he was caught using it in a review of Dominique Rocher’s latest zombie movie The Night Eats The World.”

Within two minutes Stephen King realised his gaffe and, possibly red-faced and mortified, he Tweeted this:

One would assume King would be mercilessly trolled by his followers after that very cringe-worthy mistake but as he owned up to his hypocrisy it wasn’t as bad as he thought it might be.

We could all do with admitting our hypocrisies and owning up to our mistakes, good for you, Mr King, for not just dirty deleting your Tweet!

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