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Swedish Academy Recruit New Members to Shake off Scandal

By October 19, 2018Literary Awards, News

It’s been the worst time in the history of the Swedish Academy who hand out the Nobel Prize for Literature. Mired in scandal as one of its members was accused (and now convicted) of rape charges, the 2018 prize was cancelled. In the history of the prize it’s just the third time it hasn’t been handed out, but now three new members have been recruited as the Academy attempts to recover from the scandal.

Many thought the Swedish Academy was finished forever as French photographer Jean-Claude Arnault was accused and then convicted of rape. The entire Academy imploded from within and that caused huge problems as membership is for life. The scandal meant that the King of Sweden had to step in and change the rules for the Academy, allowing them to replace members.

Last week two new members were selected to join the Swedish Academy, laywer Eric M Runesson and writer Jila Mossaed will join the remaining members and will join the annual meeting in December.

Then yesterday it was announced that an expert in ancient Nordic languages, Mats Malm will be the third new member to join the academy, bringing the members up to the required level. Malm will also be at December’s annual meeting.

It’s hoped the move will save the 232 year old Academy and draw a line under the scandal that brought the Academy to its knees.

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