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Take a Look at Calgary’s Newly Opened $245 Million Dollar Library

By November 5, 2018Libraries, News

Calgary’s long-awaited new public library opened yesterday on November 1, and it’s safe to say its already a hit among residents. The $245 million dollar library features 240,000 square feet, impressive architecture, four floors, and 450,000 new books.

CEO of Calgary Public Library, Bill Ptacek, said: “It really is quite spectacular — a cultural hub of learning and innovation. It will be the experiences that people have in this space that will determine if they keep coming back … we want that to include elements of discovery, mystery and wonder.

“And every floor has that, multiple ranges of experiences that speak to different people in different ways.”

As the Calgary Herald reports, the building’s exterior features a reflective, hexagonal design which leads to an archway. Entering into the main floor, visitors will discover learning labs, meeting spaces, and of course, lots and lots of books.

Going up a flight of stairs will bring you to a 12,000-square-foot children’s library, complete with soft play areas, reading nooks, colouring stations and chests of toys scattered among displays of children’s books.

There’s also a section for babies and toddlers, as well as a mini-climbing park, cosy classrooms and, for school-aged children, a “questionarium,” which includes early literacy resources such as Jump Math books, board games, and tablets and laptops which can be borrowed.

The second floor consists of a communal space which includes fiction and non-fiction books, a widescreen TV, and volunteer lounge. The third floor is designed for teenagers and features a digital learning lab, reading booths, and several private meeting or study rooms.

The first three floors are undeniably modern, but the fourth floor pays tribute to the past with a TD Great Reading Room, a large, quiet space for reading and studying with comfortable chairs and tables made from white oak. The area also features a local history collection and artist-in-residence studios.

The service you can expect has also been modernized. Librarians are no longer stuck behind desks but now freely roam in order to better help visitors and aid researchers. Michael Brown, President and CEO for the Calgary Municipal Land Corp., which spearheaded the downtown library project, said he hopes the library will be useful to people from all walks of life.

“There is nothing more democratic than a public library,” he said. “It is free. There is nothing like it. And it is open to everyone — everyone is welcome.”

Brown hopes the library will not only offer information, but also encourage the town’s diverse community to be accepting of different cultures and backgrounds.

“We know there is a Drop-In Centre nearby, a Salvation Army, and several seniors centres too,” Brown said.

He added: “But we also know, and hope, people will learn when they come here, especially children and young people, is that there is a big difference between a homeless person and a criminal.

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