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UK police baffled by ring inscribed with Elvish discovered in Yorkshire

By January 31, 2020Literature, News

The One Ring was found by police in North Yorkshire- but don’t tell Gollum.

Baffled police posted on their social media about an ornate silver ring engraved with “distinctive’ markings found among property stolen during a burglary in 2019.

Detective Constable Pete Wilson, from the York Investigation Hub said:

“Unfortunately we haven’t been able to find the owner of the ring and return it to them. As it is such a distinctive piece of jewellery, we’re hoping that someone will recognise the markings and be able to tell us who it rightfully belongs to, as I’m sure someone, somewhere is missing it.”

No one dealing with the burglary case seemed to recognise the ring as a piece of movie memorabilia from Peter Jackson’s adaptation of the J.R.R Tolkien trilogy. After posting to social media the responses made it clear the police had missed something.

After many MANY comments later they cottoned on to the fact maybe this was no ordinary ring…

There is a possibility the owner of the ring has been found, after a woman said the ring may belong to her husband, and they will be on their way to the station to pick up their precioussss.


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