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Watch how residents on a tiny island get their library books.

By November 1, 2019Libraries, News, Video

Island residents have a mobile library to thanks for its access to new books.

Rathlin Island is a beautiful and historic place on the coast of Northern Ireland. The island boasts a population of around 150 people, half of whom use the mobile library service NI Libraries.

Books are delivered by mobile librarian, William Galloway, once a month.

With no permanent library or bookshop on the island, the service is essential for reading addicts! Resident readers confirm that the library is an absolute lifeline for them:

“I read a lot of different things, like National Geographic and unusual things, you know? It’s a great service to the island.”

Local llama owner, Julie-Ann, says:

“We’ve got a lot of pet animals here, every time we get another pet animal William came down and saw it and the next month I had a book on it without asking!”

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