No Cuts for Welsh Books Council
We’ve seen so many cuts to the Arts in the UK in recent times, and so much opposition has been met with a blank response from the government, it can hardly seem worth making a fuss. Our libraries are under threat, museums and places of significance are in jeopardy, but no amount of protest seems to make a difference at all. So hearing the news today that the cuts to the Welsh Books Council have been dropped after an outcry by authors and publishers is fantastic news indeed.
It was looking as though the Welsh Books Council was to face a cut of more than 10%, amounting to almost £400,000 in 2016-17, as part of the draft budget, but after an outcry led by Welsh author Phillip Pullman, the cuts have now been scrapped!

Pullman grew up in Harlech, Gwynedd, and he said he hoped that the Welsh government would think again and realise the depth of their responsibility towards the languages of Wales, while publishers argued that without funding Welsh authors and publishers just couldn’t compete with English companies.
Labour ministers say after listening to all the evidence they have decided to cancel the cuts, which means a zero reduction and no cuts to the Books Council at all!
In an age where all we seem to bring you is appeals to save libraries from funding cuts, this is good news indeed.

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