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Win The Ultimate Prize for Bibliophiles

By October 1, 2016Bookshops

A bookshop in London UK is offering the chance to win the ultimate prize for bibliophiles with the promise of free books for life! Heywood Hill is an independent bookshop who is celebrating their 80th birthday in the best way imaginable by creating the the Library of a Lifetime award which will give its winner “one newly published and hand-picked hardback book per month, for life, delivered anywhere in the world.”
Can I get a Whooooop? Yep, there it is a global intake of breath from readers everywhere.

To enter this amazing competition all you have to do is nominate the book that has meant the most to you; it has to have been published in English, or translated into English, and published after 1936 which is the year that Heywood Hill first opened its doors as George Heywood Hill, with the help of the woman who would become his wife, Anne Gathorne-Hardy realised their dream of opening a bookshop on August 3rd 1936.

This competition appears to have highlighted the fact that authors cannot get enough books as Kazuo Ishiguro, Donna Leon and William Boyd to name but a few have already put forward their own nominations, with Ishiguro choosing Dostoevsky’s The Devils, calling “every character bonkers”, Boyd selecting Nabokov’s Pale Fire, which he said was “unique, mind-boggling, hilarious” and Leon plumping for Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy because “it’s wonderfully funny”

Inspired by the bookshop’s subscription service A Year in Books which includes a consultation with one of the shop’s bookseller’s to determine their preferences and reading habits and then a book a month selected by their consultant and delivered to their home for a year the first prize will see one extremely lucky reader receiving a book a month for the rest of their life.

Second prize is a subscription to A Year in Books and third is a hardback book every other month for a year.

You have until the thirtieth of October to enter but be warned, if you win I will not be your friend anymore.

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