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And the winner is (part 2)…Heroes

By March 4, 2018Quizzes

As the Oscars are upon us, this quiz features famous actors in celebrated roles from 25 well loved written works. It would have been too easy to ask what film they come from – so to make it a bit trickier the question is, who wrote the work the film was adapted from? (Heroines appeared in a separate quiz.)


See how many you can get right and let us know in the comments.

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  • Sherry says:

    I am TERRIBLE at movies…

  • Erin says:

    Yes, since I haven’t seen most of these movies I couldn’t guess right. You’d have to be a huge movie goer and reader to have a chance with this one. I got some, of course, but most of the movies I haven’t seen/couldn’t recognize. Fun quiz still though

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