The whole book world is distraught at the death of Sir Terry Pratchett who led the literary world in his own, unique style. I don’t think there’s a person out there who thinks he’s replaceable but there may be those looking for authors along the same vein. With that in mind, we threw the question out to our readers, if you love Pratchett, who do you read now?
The results show just how unique Pratchett is in the literary world as they are so varied. While some of you loved Pratchett’s satire and cynicism and suggested authors to match, others suggested laugh out loud authors, and other fantasy writers. The results have now been added up, thanks to the 200+ of you who made suggestions, putting forward more than 60 authors!
Neil Gaiman
Sandman (vol 1) (US)
Sandman (vol 1) (UK)
In first place, with a whopping 31 votes is Neil Himself, as he calls himself over on his Twitter page. Neil Gaiman is acclaimed fantasy author of the Sandman series, American Gods and a whole host of other books too.
Douglas Adams
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (US)
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (UK)
Next in the list is the late Douglas Adams of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fame garnering 15 votes. Adams was already a cult hero when I was a child and he hasn’t lost any of its status with the passage of time.
Christopher Moore
The Stupidest Angel (US)
The Stupidest Angel (UK)
In third place with 7 votes comes Christopher Moore and he definitely fits the genre of ‘comic fantasy’. The Stupidest Angel was recommended several times in this poll.
David Bowen
Hell on Earth (US)
Hell on Earth (UK)
It was a joint fourth place with six votes each and the first author nominated was David Bowen, another comic fantasy author, two books into his Hell on Earth trilogy.
Piers Anthony
A Spell for Chameleon (Xanth 1) (US)
A Spell for Chameleon (Xanth 1) (US)
And the other author with six votes is Piers Anthony, science fiction author of the Xanth series.
They were the top 5, but we promised you 12 and here are the others:
Robert Rankin (5 votes)
Robert Asprin (5 votes)
Janet Evanovich (4 votes)
Tom Holt (4 votes)
Jim Butcher (4 votes)
Jasper Fforde (4 votes)
David Eddings (4 votes)
And that’s it!
Alternatively of course, and suggested by many commentors, you could just start Discworld again! If you haven’t already discovered Pratchett and all this is making you want to check out some of his books, we suggest reading this blog for the reading order of Discworld.
I would have suggested Rankin, Holt and FForde. I’m also reading the Charles Stross “Laundry files” books which have some of the flavour of Pratchett’s more recent books.
I’ll check out some of the ones above I haven’t read
I quite like the Stross. I do think that Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London books are actually a little closer to Pratchett.
I’ve noticed a few Pratchett jokes in the Rivers of London series. For example, at one point, the main character sent “a quick prayer to Sir Samuel, the patron saint of policemen”.
I would recommend David Walliams and Diana Wynn Jones. I think ? Neil Gaimen is a given.
Sharon x
I would add A. Lee Martinez, Jim C. Hines, and C. Dale Brittain to that list.
What no Ben Aaronovitch, a very surprising omission
Eric Frank Russell and James White (Sector General)
You should also consider Ben Aaronovitch or the relatively new The Invisible Library by Cogman (?)
All of those are great. But , has anyone asked just what Mr Pratchett’s own choice would be? What did he read for enjoyment?
EVERYTHING apparently.
Definitely give Robert Asprin’s Myth series a go (no comparisons with other apprentice wizard stories please). The Phule series is also worth a look.
I love these books.
I would add Rachel Aaron’s The Spirit Thief.
How about China Mieville. Not comedy; shares a lot with Neil Gaiman, although the parallel worlds he creates bring a flavour of Pratchett too.
I have recently discovered Jodi Taylor, she writes about time-travelling historians in The St. Mary Chronicles. Absolutely readworthy! And definitely Ben Aaronovitch, as some others above also mentioned!
Daniel O’Malley – The Rook
I’d recommend Carpet Diem by a new author, Justin Lee Anderson. Flavours of Pratchett and Tom Holt for sure, it’s great!
Kurt Vonnegut.
For a sublime read “I Lucifer” by Glen Duncan. The Bryant & May series by Christopher Fowler, also “Spanky” by CF.
It irritates me that Sir Terry Pratchett is dead. I will travel to an alternative dimension where he didn’t get Alzheimer’s and go read the books he makes there.
That’ll learn me.
PS: Thanks for the recommendations in story and comments.
Waiting For The Galactic Bus and The Snake Oil Wars by Parke Godwin should be on here, too. Hilarious, tongue in cheek reads.
Jack Vance’s excellent ‘dying earh’ series are excellent. I particularly recommend Rhialto the Marvellous and Cugel’s Saga to try first.
Please add A. Lee Martinez. He is a little obscure but very similar in style.
Im suprised no one said spider robinson?
What, no Ben Aaronovitch? Come on, folks!
There’s a series called The Parasol Protectorate, for the life of me I can’t remember who wrote it, but although it’s dystopian it’s also funny , so it possibly falls into this category, I would recommend it to anyone who likes Sir Terry Pratchett’s books as it’s a good read.
That would be Gail Carriger; A good light read.
If you can find the copies James Bibby’s Ronan the Barbarian series has very similar characters and sense of humour. Complete with Puss the carnivorous talking donkey.
I love Ronan!
And how about The Chrestomanci Series by Diana Wayne Jones ..
David Eddings, but no David Gemmel?
How about Simon R Green?