With Halloween approaching we’ve been running some themed polls, and in this one we wanted your favourite novels or series featuring vampires. Hundreds upon hundreds of you replied, I had no idea there was so much vampire fiction out there and from your replies, we have the 25 novels or series most recommended by you. There may be some doubles where you have recommended a series and a single novel from that series, but here they are, the top 25 Vampire Fiction novels recommended by you.

Vampire Chronicles – Anne Rice
Although these novels seriously predate Twilight, they have had a recent revival, and stormed their way to the top of our poll as our most recommended series. There are eleven novels in the series, and some of them made our list independently too.
Complete Vampire Chronicles US
Complete Vampire Chronicles UK
Twilight Saga – Stephenie Meyer
It had to be in there somewhere and the Twlight Saga takes second place in our poll with many of you crediting them as your introduction to the genre.

Southern Vampire Mysteries – Charlene Harris
A series of thirteen novels featuring Sookie Stackhouse and popular with young adults particularly, the Southern Vampire Mysteries take third place in our poll.
The Black Dagger Brotherhood – J. R Ward
Another series, next in our list is the Black Dagger Brotherhood, a series of thirteen vampire novels that fit into the paranormal romance genre.

Vampire Academy – Richelle Mead
Back into the Young Adult genre with more paranormal romance, next up is the Vampire Academy series, a series of six novels.
Dracula – Bram Stoker
We’re glad this classic made the list and in quite a respectable place too. There may be plenty of modern day vampires but for many of you the original is the best!

Interview with a Vampire – Anne Rice
The first in the Vampire Chronicles series, this got so many votes as a standalone book it also makes our list.
Salem’s Lot – Stephen King
The King of horror, but not necessarily a vampire writer, Salem’s Lot still made our list. Not strictly a vampire novel, but the book does feature them and other creatures.

House of Night – P.C and Kristin Cast
More YA Fiction with House of Night, this series of 12 novels with novellas and spin-offs in between is a favourite for many of you!
The Morganville Vampires – Rachel Caine
More Young Adult urban fiction in 10th place with the Morganville Vampires, a series of fourteen vampire novels with some short stories too!

So that’s the top ten but we did promise you twenty-five so here are the others that received a notable number of votes from you!
Anita Blake Series – Laurel K. Hamilton
The Vampire Lestat – Anne Rice
All Souls Trilogy – Deborah Harkness
Necroscope – Brian Lumley
The Passage – Justin Cronin
The Historian – Elizabeth Kostova
Bloodlines – Richelle Mead
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown – Holly Black
Vladimir Todd Chronicles – Heather Brewer
Let the Right One In – John Ajvide Lindqvist
Night World Series – L. J Smith
Carpathian Series – Christine Feehan
Vampire Diaries – L. J. Smith
The Last Vampire/Thirst – Christopher Pike

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You have got to be kidding. Who picked these, a bunch of fourteen year old girls. Except for Stephen King and Ann Rice these are all awful.
I would say anything that Elizabeth Hunter has written, but since this is about Vampires only, try her Elemental World and Legacy series. Seriously good without all of the sparkly, teenage drama. The series starts with A Hidden Fire. Try it. You’ll be hooked for good. Then go on to her other series, Cambio Springs mysteries, and then the Irin Chronicles. I’m telling you: seriously good, cannot put down, must have more words now.