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4 Year Old Caleb Live Streams Reading His 100th Book

By December 23, 2017Children's Literature, News

4 year old Caleb Green has a great start to his life as a reader as he reaches his 100th book!

The little boy from Chicago told his parents of his goal to read 100 books so the family stocked up on stories he could read.  Caleb’s dad, Sylus Green, told WLS-TV “[I had a] gut reaction to talk him down a little bit but he was like, ‘No, I want to read 100.’”

Good job dad didn’t talk him out of it (why would you?!) because Caleb was overjoyed when he finished his set of ten books, reaching his goal of 100 at last. Caleb told local outlets of how much he loves reading, just like his sister.

“HE DID IT!!!!! Our little Caleb taught me a very important lesson. NEVER underestimate the will and ability of our little ones. At lunch Caleb said “Dad I read 9 books last night. I want to try and read 100 next.” Immediately I responded with “100 is a LOT of books son, do you know how long it will take?” He replied “Yes. I want to read 100.” The kid was convinced that he could do it, and I didn’t see a glimmer of doubt in his eyes. Rhoda Green and I caved in and when we got home he asked again, so we went through all of the bookshelves to find the books! We were a few short so Warren Edwards and Candace Edwardsanswered the bat call and drove to our house with book reinforcement.”

“Caleb also called his grannyBernita Robinson over to hear him read. This dude even had Charles Gee and Yolanda R Barr in Florida checking in every few minutes to see what the count was. The most surprising thing is my best friend who is NEVER on Facebook even started a Facebook account so he could see him live from Jacksonville, FL. You KNOW the Dolphins and Bulldogs were tuned in as well!!! Shout out to Octavius Jones and Inez Woody for bringing home the inspiration during the final stretch along with my Malachi co-star Azzizah Amatullah Rahim! Mary Roberson-Watson andMarcus Kline thanks for your partnership in raising a scholar! Marcus Robinson I saw you and Katina Lewis peeking in to! I hope you are taking care of yourself cuz! In the end, it was amazing to see a 4 year olds will and determination bring the community together on a Saturday night to watch him READ!!!!”

Nearly 4,000 followers watched live on Facebook as Caleb worked his way through his books and as he finished his last read, the little reader danced around the room with glee.

“We were proud,” his father said. “We are used to Caleb setting goals, but it’s always the ultimate feeling to see the look in your child’s eye when they achieve what they set out to do.”

He also mentioned how much his children teach him: “I learned to just dream bigger, and I am going to set unrealistic goals for myself this coming year and I’m going to be inspired by Caleb to not quit on him and just push through it.”

The live stream shows Caleb reading aloud for over 2 hours, with the support from the family’s followers encouraging him along the way.

Well done, Caleb, as soon as you are old enough to join social media we at For Reading Addicts welcome you with open arms! 

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