As a new member of the For Reading Addicts team I’d like to introduce my bookish self to you all in a way you can relate to! Here are 7 things you may like to know about me.
Fact 1:
Just like Kath, I don’t remember learning to read. I was surrounded by full bookshelves since forever, so books have always been a big part of my life. Being read to by my parents, grandparents, and siblings gave me a great start!
Fact 2:
I wrote my first book when I was 6 about a rabbit who wore a carrot-shaped helmet and went to the moon only to discover that it was already inhabited by other rabbits. I may just revive that story when I get a chance.
Fact 3:
I am constantly dismayed that I will never read every book I would like to despite trying hard to get through them all; my To Be Read pile is bigger than my Read pile.
Fact 4:
Although I would love to fill my home with books I do have to share it with a man and a boy so I am being strict with my To Be Kept books. I keep books I feel I will read again, or those special enough to just be there in case I need them (I am looking at you, Sir Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, and JK Rowling).
Fact 5:
My (nearly) 6 year old son has more books than I do, not including audio stories. He is a reading machine and has been reading since he started nursery at 3 years old. I had told the nursery worker that he was reading already but she didn’t believe me until she saw it for herself. It has opened so many doors for him, especially educationally.
Fact 6:
I am not adverse to reading good children’s literature. It would be a shame to miss out on a great story because you consider yourself ‘too mature’ for a young person’s novel.
Fact 7:
While studying for the next couple of years, finishing my Education Studies degree and then a Masters in Creative Writing, I am writing a children’s book that has been brewing in my mind for a few years. Fingers crossed I will do it justice!
Well that’s bookish me, I hope to bring you all some interesting blog posts and entertain you on Instagram soon!