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A Sneak Peek at Harry Potter Illustrated

By September 18, 2015Children's Literature, New Releases

Few Harry Potter fans would have missed the buzz about the announcements of the new Illustrated series. The rumour mill has been going crazy for months, and now the fully illustrated Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is available for pre-order to be finally released on 6th October! With a new illustrated book to be released yearly it’s going to be almost as exciting as awaiting the books the first time around, but for those who absolutely cannot wait we have a sneak preview.

Jim Kay is the illustrator and I am blown away by his visualisation of this magical world created by J. K Rowling.

Now anyone who is familiar with the series will know that it is what one would call ‘wordy’, it’s far from being a picture book and if you’re wondering how this is going to work alongside the ‘fully illustrated’ then wonder no more as we have some previews of the pages and here’s how they’ll look!

In addition to this some sketches have also been released from the book including Harry himself, and Hagrid’s motorbike from the opening scenes of the book, and Hagrid’s House, which looks distinctly different from the movie version and sets these books into a class of their own!

The fully illustrated version will be released on 6th October and you can pre order it right now. It’s going on my Christmas list!

Harry Potter Illustrated US
Harry Pottery Illustrated UK


  • Fiona Young says:

    been loving your posts on FB! Thanks for all the literary love. I will be back! In the meantime, I wonder if you can make suggestions. I’m in the U.S., but I want to pre-order the UK version of the illustrated HP. Any help would be appreciated.


    • Kath says:

      I have no idea how you could do that Fiona. I assume you’ve tried to order from You could always try Bloomsbury directly, they also have it on pre-order but it’s cover price, and I assume copies will start appearing on eBay almost directly after the release.

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