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Barack and Michelle Obama Sign Book Deals with Penguin Random House

It has been announced by Penguin Random House that both Barack and Michelle Obama have signed book deals with the publisher. The books will focus on their time as President and First Lady in the White House.

Exactly how much the pair will be paid for their books is unknown but it has been reported by The Guardian that bidding reached over $60 million. If this figure is accurate, then that’s a record sum for presidential memoirs. The highest figure paid to a politician was $15 million for Bill Clinton’s My Story which was published after he left office.

In a statement, Penguin’s CEO Markus Dohle said: “We are absolutely thrilled to continue our publishing partnership with president and Mrs Obama. With their words and their leadership, they changed the world, and every day, with the books we publish at Penguin Random House, we strive to do the same. Now, we are very much looking forward to working together with president and Mrs Obama to make each of their books global publishing events of unprecedented scope and significance.”

The Obama’s have stated that they wish to donate a “significant portion” of the payment to charities such as the Obama Foundation. This is not the first time either Barack or Michelle have been published authors. Barack authored two very well received books before becoming President. Dreams of my Father and The Audacity of Hope have both sold millions and no doubt played a role in helping him win the election. Michelle Obama published a book in 2012 called American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America. The book promotes healthy eating and documents the White House Kitchen Garden throughout the seasons.

Details on the books are currently scarce. Titles are yet to be announced and a release window has not been given.

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