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Book by Biden aide says pandemic was ‘best thing that ever happened to him’.

A key aide to US President Joe Biden said “Covid is the best thing that ever happened to him” in a new book.

The private comment was one that “campaign officials believed but would never say in public” they explained.

It was said originally to “an associate” by Anita Dunn, a Washington powerbroker, and then printed in Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency, by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, the first book about the 2020 election.

The authors, Allen and Parnes, of NBC News and the Hill, are also known for their collaboration on Shattered, a review of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016.

The book reflects on how the COVID-19 pandemic obliterated Trump and the US economy and that Biden’s careful campaigning and support of public health concerns clinched the vote.

Trump had attempted to depict Biden as cowardly for “hiding in his basement” because Biden held virtual campaigns instead of ignoring public health warnings during the pandemic and holding public rallies like Trump.

The authors stated how “both Trump and Biden were comfortable with the stylistic and substantive contrasts of their … responses to the coronavirus”

“Trump led loudly, Biden calmly said Trump misled”.

The quiet confidence led Biden to stay COVID-free unlike Trump and many around him, and Biden ended up winning the electoral college 306-232 and the popular vote by more than 7m.

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