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Bookish DIY: make your own book bracelet!

By September 24, 2019Arty, News

A book bracelet is wearable literature you can now make for yourself!

Inspired artists Lyske Gais and Lia Duinker in Milan, Mark Montano created a how-to video for readers to make their own readable bracelet. The original ‘bookbracelet’ by collaborators Gais and Duinker won the Rijksstudio Award in 2015, thanks to its awesome detailing and fine work. The 1400 pages were painstakingly created from 303 Rembrandt etchings and drawings, selected for the images of hands and a lion’s paw.

DIY YouTuber Mark Montano was soon inundated with messages from his followers asking him to recreate the art in one of his popular ‘Make Your Mark’ videos. Montano didn’t disappoint, posting his guide to making a book bracelet along with a list of materials:

  • Leather
  • Scissors
  • Velcro
  • E-6000 Glue
  • Copied and reduced book covers
  • Cereal box cardboard
  • Clothespins
  • Book pages
  • Ruler
  • White glue

After the printing, cutting, folding, and and stitching a piece of wearable art is all yours!

Find a how-to video below, and let us know when/if you have created your own.

The original book bracelet by Lyske Gais and Lia Duinker

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