The Girl on the Train was THE book of 2015, the book of the month for all Book Clubs, the topic of conversation between all readers and the book that topped every single fiction chart for weeks on end and even boasting readers like the Duchess of Cambridge who admitted to being a fan, reportedly describing it as “really, really good”.
With her debut novel becoming a Hollywood thriller starring Emily Blunt Paula definitely set the world alight with her writing but was she going to be another Harper Lee? Were we going to spend the next half century desperately waiting for Paula to write a second book? Thankfully not as news has just been released that a brand-new thriller is coming soon from TGOTT author Paula Hawkins and we have only got to wait until May next year.
Into The Water, will be released on May 2 next year and is described by its publishers as being a story about “a family drowning in secrets”. Set in a riverside town in northern England Into The Water has two estranged sisters central to its plot and that for now, is all we know. Paula and her publishers are keeping everything else very quiet at the moment but the story has been “brewing for a good while” now according to Paula. “For me there is something irresistible about the stories we tell ourselves, the way voices and truths can be hidden consciously or unconsciously, memories can be washed away and whole histories submerged,” she said. “Then two sisters appeared, and the novel began to form.”

According to Sarah Adams, Paula’s editor Into The Water “drips with suspicion and the ghostly echoes of the past”.
“It is a menacing, moving, deeply satisfying read which entranced me from first page to last,” she said. “We couldn’t be more excited to share it with her eagerly awaiting readers.”
Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates and Paula’s Literary Agent, said her new novel was “incredibly dark and moving”.
“It is an unflinching and original book that is both a terrific thriller and a beautiful novel,” she said.
Available to pre-order in the UK this is one novel that just has to be added to your Wish List.
Unavailable for pre-order in the US we have however given you a link so that you can keep an eye out for it becoming available.

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