A Doctor Who short story collection written by Whovian legend Russell T Davies (among others) is being released for the BBC’s Children in Need.
Doctor Who: Adventures in Lockdown will also include adventures through time and space from Doctor Who writers such as Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, and Neil Gaiman.
Publisher Penguin Random House said: “During challenging months of global uncertainty and isolation, the Doctor and the TARDIS has remained a dream that drew many – allowing them to roam the cosmos in search of distraction, reassurance and adventure.”
BBC Books Publishing Director said: “Since I first mentioned the idea for this collection to the Doctor Who and BBC Children in Need teams, the response has been amazing. We’ve gathered a truly stellar list of writers and illustrators, who have contributed their time and creativity for a wonderful cause.
“Doctor Who and BBC Children in Need are a powerful combination, and Adventures in Lockdown is a book that celebrates the best of the Whoniverse – which is to say, the best in all of us.”
Doctor Who: Adventures in Lockdown can only be purchased from UK retailers from 5th November, and £2.25 from every copy sold will go to BBC Children in Need.
The full list of stories is as follows:
A Message from the Doctor
Things She Thought While Falling by Chris Chibnall
The Terror of the Umpty Ums by Steven Moffat
Doctor Who and the Time War by Russell T Davies
Revenge of the Nestene by Russell T Davies
Rory’s Story by Neil Gaiman
One Virtue, and a Thousand Crimes by Neil Gaiman
The Simple Things by Joy Wilkinson
The Tourist by Vinay Patel
Fellow Traveller by Mark Gatiss
The Shadow Passes by Paul Cornell
Shadow of a Doubt by Paul Cornell
The Shadow in the Mirror by Paul Cornell
Press Play by Pete McTighe
Listen by Steven Moffat
The Secret of Novice Hame by Russell T Davies