News from Warner Brother’s of the chance to spend a magical evening at the UK Warner Brothers studio in Leavesden travelled so fast that this year’s tickets have already sold out, much to the dismay of Muggles and Hogwarts alumni alike. Never fear though, Reading Addicts, because this at least gives us a chance to budget for a trip next year! Each ticket costs £230 (around $350) per person so it isn’t the cheapest, and is for over-18’s only so a little planning will be particularly needed for those Potter-mad parents who need to sort out babysitters and emotional counselling for their outraged and envious offspring.

The itinerary for the evening starts with canapés and drinks when we arrive at the studio, followed by a cinema experience before settling in the set of the Great Hall, surrounded by festive décor and props, and set pieces from the first Potter movie. We each receive a gift of a replica wand when we are seated in the hall, and there is a choice of whichever character is preferred. I am a Hufflepuff, proud and official thanks to Pottermore, so would quite like mine to reflect that, but the options are only for main Gryffindor and Slytherin characters, though to be honest I would be too in awe of our surroundings to worry!
After a two-course turkey dinner with all the trimmings, and then completing the rest of the tour of the studios including Platform 9 and ¾, we retire to the café for a Butterbeer and dessert. A night of dancing, drinking, and celebration completes the evening where I hope we all make more Potterhead friends!

Get saving, Reading Addicts, see you at Hogwarts next year!

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