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Emma Watson Hiding More Books, Paris This Time

By June 23, 2017Literary Events, News

Last November, Harry Potter actress Emma Watson joined the Books on the Underground movement, leaving feminist books on London Underground trains and stations, and now she’s back to her novel hiding ways, this time in Paris.

Watson played book loving Hermione Granger and has continued to carry the torch for book lovers ever since. Her feminist book club Our Shelf Shelf is turning out to be a global phenomenon, and with her Book Fairies initiative and the Books on the Underground movement, she making quite an impact on book lovers.

This time it’s Parisians who are feeling the benefit with copies of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale in French. Watson launched the initiative yesterday with this tweet.

Despite being written back in 1985, The Handmaid’s Tale has experienced a resurgence in the last year. It all started with the American elections and the belief that suddenly theocrats were taking over American politics, and since the television adaptation earlier this year, the novel has barely been out of the bestseller list.

It seems Hermione will never shake off her bookishness, and we think that is a fantastic thing!

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