Ever since the birth of the written word we have constantly improved upon and sped up the process of book making. From the weeks and weeks of work that it took to produce even a single sheet of hand printed Vellum with its painstakingly beautiful calligraphy and the stunning precious metals on its illuminations, through to the early hand presses, onto the automated presses of last century, and now to modern day printing, the process has been sped up and taken less manpower to produce.
Enjoy this How it’s Made – Books video and let us all be thankful that we no longer depend upon handwritten texts to get our next fix of our favourite author.
I have to say, the numbers cited in this video are astounding and the thought of an order for 125,000 books being fulfilled and shipped in a four day time period is mind boggling.
These modern books may not be as beautiful as the early handwritten or, hand printed ones but in the end, it is the story they contain that really matters and those remain as beautiful today as they have always been.

The Devil all the Time adaptation coming to Netflix