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Is this sex education book too graphic?

Sex education is a touchy subject for some and many of us need a little explaining the details in an appropriate way, so we turn to our friends: the books.

On an average day in Australia one parent went to K-Mart and was not expecting to find this interesting book in the children’s section. Unlike some children’s books about sex and reproduction, this one was particularly graphic in its descriptions. Some Facebook users were up in arms about the content of the book, while others were not fazed by the language used and saw it as totally appropriate.

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“The man pushes his penis up and down inside the woman, which gives them both a tingly, excited, very loving feeling.”

“…Soon the woman’s vagina becomes wet and the man’s penis becomes hard…”


Some parents were angry and horrified to see the book was sold in the children’s section, saying the images and words were far too graphic- one blogger went as far as to say it should be for teenagers only. To be perfectly honest, if you wait until your kid is a teenager to tell them about sex then you are asking for trouble. Being frank and honest with your child is the best thing for them, despite how uncomfortable you feel talking about sex. People are far too hung up on their own societal brainwashing to do what is best for the next generation.

If we don’t want teen pregnancies, want to help prevent child abuse by giving children the power of correct terminology, and agree the next generation deserves a better sex education than we had- I suggest supporting frank and honest books like this one.

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