Over the last week I have heard ‘but I wanted a new book’ many times in response to the news of the Cursed Child, a brand new play and the eighth part of the Harry Potter series. The reaction shows that Rowling is as much hot property as ever and despite the success of her Galbraith pseudonym readers are still hungering for another magical children’s tale, so we’re sure the world will be thrilled today by the news that J. K Rowling has confirmed that she is writing another children’s book in her own name!
We surely have another instant bestseller on our hands and I’m already hoping it’s the first in a series!

I had to take a little while to calm down upon hearing the news, I really am ‘that’ excited. The author says she has an idea she really loves and is already part way through writing. Rowling imparted the news to Simon Mayo on BBC Radio 2 in an interview yesterday, while she was on the show to promote the crime series, talk was always going to stray to news of a new ‘Harry Potter’. She didn’t however give any indication as to the theme, genre or plot for the new story, leaving us hanging again!
It’s been a busy few weeks for Rowling, what with the launch of the Career of Evil (read our review) and the news that the eighth instalment to the Harry Potter series is to be released as a play and maybe that’s why she wouldn’t be nailed down to a firm date for the children’s book. She did however assure authors that she would write more in her own name in the future and there were lots of stories in the pipeline, adding “I sometimes worry I’ll die before I’ve written them all out. That’s my midlife crisis – that I will leave this earth without having written them all.”
It’s a worry for us too, Jo, now back to the keyboard!

Word of the Day – Demarcation

Word of the Day – Soigné

Word of the Day – Scuttle

Word of the Day – Pyrophoric

Word of the Day – Prorogue