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John Le Carré’s New Novel Will Focus on ‘Division and Rage’

By December 14, 2018New Releases

He may be 87 years old, but John Le Carré shows no signs of slowing down when it comes to writing. His upcoming novel, Agent Running, will be set in London in 2018 and will tackle “the division and rage at the heart of our modern world.”

According to publisher Viking, the novel follows a 26-year-old “solitary” man who, “in a desperate attempt to resist the new political turbulence swirling around him, makes connections that will take him down a very dangerous path.” Agent Running will be Le Carré’s 25th novel and is set to be released next year in October.

As The Guardian reports, Le Carré’s publisher, Mary Mount, stated that our current turbulent times call for writers like Le Carré. “In his plot and characterisation Le Carré is as thrilling as ever, and in the way he writes about our times he proves himself once again to be the greatest chronicler of our age,” she said. “At a moment like this we need writers like him.”

Le Carré’s first novel, Call for the Dead, was published in 1961. His most famous novel, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, was published in 1963 and was very well received, becoming a No. 1 bestseller. It was later adapted into the classic 1965 British film.

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