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Librarian shares 28 things she has noticed about her job

By May 21, 2019Libraries, News

A librarian from Scotland took to Twitter to share her insight into what it is like being a librarian in the UK.

Secret Library Gorgon, whose real name is Mel, told Bored Panda that being a librarian was never her intention but sometimes great things happen without you planning them.

“I’ve had a lot of jobs over the years but I became quite unwell about five years ago and had to leave my product design engineering role and course. I was gutted but I knew that recovery would take a while. I’ve always been a bookworm so I started looking for jobs in libraries and other environments to do part-time while I recovered. I love it so much that I hope I can keep working in libraries permanently.”

After chatting with a colleague about some of the quirks of their job, Mel started posting them on Twitter: “I figured a few of my fellow library assistants would relate. If I’d known how big it would become, I’d have proofread them first!”

The Secret Library Gorgon lives up to her name as a fierce protector and supporter of local libraries:

“I think libraries need to be advertised. The world is so commercial and every brand is vying for people’s attention, especially on new technology that I think libraries miss out on being part of the conversation. They’re sometimes seen as a relic of the past and very few people realise just how much they do. We need advertising campaigns and reminders that libraries are still here.”

“Budget cuts are definitely the biggest threat. Local councils and other bodies are having to stretch smaller budgets thinner and thinner and unfortunately, libraries often take the hit. It’s all the little things we need to do but can’t, like fix a broken piece of equipment or run classes with better materials that make us lose library users. If a printer stops working, people go somewhere else to print. If the children’s activities at a sports centre are more involved because there are more staff on hand, people will take their children there instead.”

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One Comment

  • Diane Schule says:

    So wonderful! And every word is gospel. Retired Public Librarian and Library Director, High School Librarian, Elementary School Librarian, and Art Librarian.

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