If you haven’t heard of Meghan Markle by now, it’s possible you may be living under a rock. The one time actress and ex Suits star is in a relationship with Prince Harry and has moved to the UK to marry the high ranking member of the British Royal Family. As a pretty high profile star herself, the pair are creating quite the stir, both here in the UK and abroad, so I went off to find out more about Meghan to find out whether or not she’s a reader!
Until recently, Meghan ran a lifestyle blog called Tig, where she spoke of her day to day life, the subjects that were close to her heart and the causes she follows. Since her impending marriage was announced the blog has been shut down, but thanks to the delights of the Internet we can still access parts of it.
Back in March 2016, a little under two years ago, Meghan Markle posted what she called “A Badass Reading List”, recommending five books tat she said made her feel badass, or in her own words “strong of spirit, brave and fearless, self-aware yet selfless, and always striving to be the best version of themselves.” The reading list gives an interesting insight into Ms Markle, and here it is”
The Motivation Manifesto – Brendon Burchard
To tackle the feelings of self doubt that creep in, Markle recommends reading The Motivation Manifesto, a 2014 book that promises to help readers unlock freedom in their lives.
The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz
Another life guide, but slightly different this time. Markle says in her blog “My mom gave me a copy of this book when I was 13 years old, and to this day, I constantly circle back to the Don Miguel Ruiz classic for the simplest ways to simplify your life.”
The Little Prince – Antoine Saint-Exupery
The first novel on the list, Markle calls The Little Prince “An existential text, masked as a children’s book” and we’d be inclined to agree.
The Little Prince US
The Little Prince UK
Who Moved My Cheese – Spencer Johnson
There’s little doubt you won’t have heard of this book, it was huge in the late 90s and a bestseller for a long time. Markle read it back in her university days and calls it an invaluable quick read.
The Tao of Pooh – Benjamin Hoff
“Aspects of Taoism told through the characters of ‘Winnie the Pooh’ – I mean, does it get better?” Markle writes. We find it hard to disagree, this introduction to Tao is one of our favourites too.
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I think it’s very possible that if I haven’t heard of Meghan Markle by now, I don’t live under a rock… I just don’t care.