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Matt Lucas Hosts Singing Competition for Bookshop Owners

By September 26, 2017Bookshops, New Releases, Television

In October, Matt Lucas releases his memoirs Little Me: My Life from A-Z and to celebrate he’s hosting a little competition for bookshop owners.

Canongate who are publishing the memoirs are hosting a singing competition at their website right now and to enter bookshop owners must film themselves singing and send it in. The winner will have Matt Lucas visit their shop on December 5th to sign copies of Little Me.

Booksellers will need to head over to Canongate to see the lyrics and a video of Matt Lucas singing ‘Middle of the Book’. To enter, booksellers are required to send in a film of them singing the song for the chance to win this fantastic opportunity and get a visit from Matt Lucas.

First you’ll need to make your video and upload it to Youtube, Facebook or Twitter. Then take a link of the video and email it to [email protected] with ‘our little song’ in the subject line. You must get your entries in by Friday 27th October, after this date, Canongate will choose one lucky winner.

The bookshop owners must be in England, Scotland or Wales and must be available for a visit by Matt Lucas to sign his new book on Tuesday December 5th. We’ll be watching this competition with interest, we can’t wait to see your efforts!

For those who are fans of the comedian and now Doctor Who assistant, Little Me will be released on 3rd October and is already available for pre-order.

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