The Fuller Cut barber shop in Ypsilanti, Michigan is helping local children (and their parents) by offering a discount on all children’s haircuts, provided the child reads aloud to their barber as they get their hair trimmed.
As NPR reports, Ryan Griffin, a barber of 20 years, heard about a similar program in New York and asked his boss if Fuller Cut could introduce a similar service. The idea has taken off and, not only are lots of children now reading to their barber, but locals have also pitched in and donated books to the barber shop.
“We get complimented by teachers that will say it does so much for these kids throughout the school year,” said Griffin.
The children can’t just read the book, they also have to answer questions about what they’ve read and show that they understand and comprehend the writing.

“Any help these kids can get with reading and … comprehension is a big thing. You know, maybe someday some kid will grow up and be a journalist, be a writer, and he’ll say, ‘You know what, when I was young, my barber used to make me read,’ ” explained Griffin.
It’s also a big hit with the children’s parents. As father Keith Jason said: “It’s an amazing thing. It’s helping my pockets, it’s helping their education, and it’s helping prepare a better future for them, so I love it.”
Over the past year, more than 100 children have read to their barber and received the $2 discount on their trim. It’s great to see such a good idea taking off. Not only will it help the children with their reading, it’s no doubt nice for the parents to have a little extra change in their wallets. Would you like to see your local hairdresser or barbershop take on a similar program?

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