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The Missing Noah’s Ark of Literature Quiz

By August 28, 2016Quizzes

If the dog dies I’m not reading it! Animals in literature have always been one of the most successful subject matters, from Black Beauty to Watership Down we’ve all read at least one book that has a non human protagonist. In this Missing Noah’s Ark of Literature Quiz we have omitted the animal from the title and all you need to do is match them up correctly.


To get top marks in our Missing Noah’s Ark of Literature Quiz all you need to do is take these eighteen incomplete titles and insert the correct animal to make them into a book you want to read.

Don’t forget to let us know how you get on.

One Comment

  • Betty says:

    89%. Sigh. I just knew I’d do 100%, but I happened to be in Germany when the titles I missed were written. Story of my life, a day late and a dollar short. lol

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