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Mysterious library patron keeps hiding books critical of US President

By October 11, 2019Libraries, News, Political

The staff at the Coeur d’Alene Library in Idaho have been trying to figure out who is taking books and hiding them around the library.

The books targeted have one thing in common: they’re critical of US President Donald Trump.

Library Director Bette Ammon says her staff have been spending workdays trying to track down the books and return them to their rightful shelves.

“We’ve found them at the end of the fiction section, hidden behind the ‘W’s’ in a real secret place,” Ammon said, noting also that one of the books was found stashed below a dictionary shelf. Including in amongst the books targeted were “Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump,” by Rick Reilly and Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

The culprit would hide books with anti-Trump sentiment around Coeur d’Alene Library in Idaho. 

The person responsible for moving the books around also left a message on library’s public comment bulletin board explaining their motives:

“I noticed a large volume of books attacking our president. I am going to continue hiding these books in the most obscure places I can find to keep this propaganda out of the hands of young minds. Your liberal angst gives me great pleasure.”

Ammon says that the culprit’s efforts are futile.

“These books keep disappearing and we keep buying new copies because people keep wanting them. And then we find the find the hidden copies,” she said. “So it’s not really working well for the person who wants to keep other folks from reading.”

She added that she and her staff would have the same reaction if the books being targeted were of the opposite viewpoint.

“Anybody who takes away the opportunity to read from someone else, whether they steal a book, check it out and don’t return it, or hide it. They’re destroying somebody else’s right to read.”

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