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The New Beauty and the Beast Trailer is Everything we’d hoped for

By November 14, 2016News, Video

Everyone has been pretty excited for the new Beauty and the Beast adaptation starring Emma Watson, and here we’re especially excited to see the library! A few weeks ago we brought you the first look at Emma and Dan as Belle and the Beast and today Disney has released the official trailer. It’s absolutely perfect, stunningly beautiful and everything we had hoped for, as Emma Watson brings Belle to life in a stunning performance.

It feels like it’s been a long time coming, but Emma is brilliant in the two minute trailer, bringing Belle to life in the most wonderful way with energy and plenty of spark. The Beast is pretty impressive too and no doubt a new generation will be falling in love with Beauty, the Beast, and all the not so inanimate characters.

You have a while to wait yet, the release date is March 17th. We’ll let you watch the trailer now, we just have on more thing to say.

That. Library. Wow.

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