Philip Pullman’s fantasy series His Dark Materials delighted readers who love to lose themselves in fantasy worlds, and now his magical series is making its way to our screens thanks to a collaboration between HBO and the BBC. If you can’t wait to join Lyra and her friends on their adventures, then you’ll want to check out the latest trailer. Spoilers, it looks really good!
Set to air this Autumn, His Dark Materials will adapt the Pullman’s trilogy which comes in the form of Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. The first book in the series was adapted into a film starring Daniel Craig in 2007, though it failed to capture the success of the books.
The trailer description from HBO reads: “His Dark Materials stars Dafne Keen, James McAvoy, Ruth Wilson and Lin-Manuel Miranda. Adapting Philip Pullman’s award-winning trilogy of the same name, which is considered a modern masterpiece of imaginative fiction, the first season follows Lyra, a seemingly ordinary but brave young woman from another world. Her search for a kidnapped friend uncovers a sinister plot involving stolen children, and becomes a quest to understand a mysterious phenomenon called Dust. As she journeys through the worlds, including our own, Lyra meets Will, a determined and courageous boy. Together, they encounter extraordinary beings and dangerous secrets, with the fate of both the living — and the dead — in their hands.”

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