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Next Cormoran Strike Novel ‘Lethal White’ to be Released Later this Year

By June 15, 2018New Releases

As fans of the page will know, we’ve been watching for the release of the next Cormoran Strike novel, Lethal White for a while now. We’ve been waiting and waiting for the fourth novel in the crime series written by J. K Rowling under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

Originally it was delayed as Rowling was working on the screenplays for the Fantastic Beasts movie but Rowling has sent out various updates since she announced what Lethal White would be called. However, it’s now been almost three years since Career of Evil, the third novel in the series was published and fans have been getting impatient.

A little over a month ago, Rowling tweeted that she had finished the novel, or finished writing at least which is just one step in the process before publication. Now she is editing and has stated that Lethal White will be released later this year.

It’s not exactly a release date and there are still no pre-order details, but it is a solid declaration that we’re all ready for another Cormoran Strike fix in 2018.

We also have it on good authority that the television company that adapted the novels is already making plans to adapt Lethal White so hopefully we can watch the adaptation not too long after we’ve read the novel. Also here’s hoping that they cut less of the story and make this one longer than two episodes!

We’d love to believe that ‘later this year’ means a month or two but we suspect Lethal White will be slated for an Autumn/Winter release and we’re likely to see it in bookshops in October/November time.


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