We’ve read the lists, we know who The Times, The NY Times, Huffington, Amazon, The Guardian, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, and you, faithful followers of FRA think topped 2015’s literary offerings but do you know what we, your Admin team chose as our favourite read of the year?
These books may not have been published in 2015 but they are books that we read in the course of the year and that we loved. We all chose differently but one thing we did agree on and that was how difficult it was to choose just one title from all of those we read.

Two Brothers – Ben Elton
I’m going with Ben Elton Two Brothers. That was so hard! I’m going to say because it showed a perspective on WWII that isn’t often covered, because I’m already a fan of the author and because it was bloody brilliant and I couldn’t put it down.
The Farseer Trilogy – Robin Hobb
Oh there are so many, The Book Thief, Black Feathers, Fahrenheit 451 but I think I am going to plump for Robin Hobb’s fantastic fantasy trilogy. The reason being, I now have to read the rest of her books; it’s not an option it’s a requirement, so they must have been good. (I’m appalled I’ve not submitted a review yet)

The Girl With All The Gifts – M.R Carey
TGWATG was special to me because I knew nothing about it before starting it, and was instantly swept up by it. The characters were beautifully written and it was easy to put myself into their shoes, and wonder about the moral choices they faced. Nothing has gripped me like that one did!
The Girl With All The Gifts US
The Girl With All The Gifts UK
House of Leaves – Mark Z. Danielewski
For me, HOL sucked me in completely. Dark, bizarre and haunting, the labyrinth of the house is mirrored in the labyrinth of the text. I couldn’t put it down and It haunted me for a long time afterwards.

The Holy Thief – William Ryan
William Ryan’s The Holy Thief is a fine debut and an engaging start to a Soviet-set series starring militia investigator, Captain Korolev. It’s well written with convincing historical detail, a good mystery and a very likeable central character. Excellent, entertaining popular historical crime fiction and a series that has loads of potential that I’d like to follow further.
There you go, those were the books that we here at For Reading Addicts read in 2015 and thought were particularly brilliant. They may have been published some time ago but as with everything, it’s when you find it that matters.
Here’s to a 2016 filled with book and authors both new and old that entertain you and perpetuate our love of the written word.
Thank you for your clicks, your suggestions, your photos, your reviews and your loyalty over the last twelve months, we hope you enjoy the next twelve just as much.

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