Netflix have over 50 book adaptations in the pipeline according to Publishers Weekly. Most of the adaptations will be limited series, with a handful of others adapted for feature length screen debuts.
With 139 million subscribers, Netflix has been on the forefront of literary adaptations, even going so far as joining forces with publishers Simon & Schuster, and attending international book fairs.
The success of Piper Kerman’s Orange Is the New Black in 2013, followed by Jay Asher’s 13 Reasons Why and Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events in 2017, and more recently Josh Malerman’s Bird Box, increased the popularity of book adaptations. Netflix had teams of staff “reading all night and every weekend” according to Kelly Luegenbiehl- the vice president of creative for international originals.

Out of the 50+ stories Netflix is ready to adapt to screen a handful will be turned into feature length films. The list includes Button Man by John Wagner, I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid, Pashmina by Nidhi Chanani, and The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry.
US thriller writer Harlan Coben is also an executive producer for Netflix, and is one of the authors whose work will be used extensively with 14 stories already given the green light for adaptation. Roald Dahl is another author whose work has been approved for a “slate of premium animated event series and specials” in agreement with Roald Dahl Story Company.

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