We’re into a new blog series now where we’re going to read around the world, featuring a book from every country in the world. We’ll work alphabetically through all the countries in the world and add in some smaller countries and islands too, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe!
We’ll work alphabetically and the last list ended at Cuba, so today we’re covering ten countries from Curaçao to Egypt.
Join us on our literary world trip as we read around the world in more than 200 books.

The House of Six Doors – Patricia Selbert
The House of Six Doors tells the story of Serena who at the age of thirteen leaves behind her home on this colourful Caribbean island when her mother takes her and her sister to the USA to pursue the American dream.

Bitter Lemons – Lawrence Durrell
Bitter Lemons is the story of Durrell’s time on Cyprus between 1953 and 1956. First as a visitor, then as a householder and teacher, and finally as Press Advisor to a government dealing with armed rebellion.

Czech Republic
The Unbearable Lightness of Being – Milan Kundera
The story of a young woman in love with a man torn between his love for her, his incorrigible womanising, his mistresses and her humbly faithful lover. A tangled web of love and deception all played out in the backdrop of this beautiful country.

The Democratic Republic of The Congo
Poisonwood Bible – Barbara Kingsolver
The Poisonwood Bible follows the story of Nathan Price, his wife and four daughters as they take the family on an Evangelical mission to the Belgian Congo in 1959. A suspenseful tale of one family’s undoing on African soil.

The Keeper of Lost Causes – Jussi Alder-Olsen
Dark, humorous and atmospheric, The Keeper of Lost Causes introduces us to Carl Mørck, once one of Denmark’s best homicide detectives but now lost in guilt after a hail of bullets destroyed the lives of two fellow cops. A promotion is the last thing he expects, but life is about to take an exciting turn.

Djibouti – Elmore Leonard
This New York Times bestseller follows the story of documentary maker Dara Marr who is at the top of her game and looking for bigger challenges. That’s why she’s travelled to Djibouti, on the horn of Africa to film modern day pirates.

Wide Sargasso Sea – Jean Rhys
Wide Sargasso Sea is a prequel to Jane Eyre and easily a classic in its own right. Bringing to life the madwoman in the attic from Charlotte Bronte’s most famous novel. Set across two islands, Jamaica and Dominica, this beautiful novel will stay with you forever.

Dominican Republic
The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao – Junot Diaz
Oscar is a sweet ghetto nerd who shares his home with his old world mother and rebellions sister, but he dreams of becoming the Dominican J. R. R. Tolkien and most of all, finding love. Set between Santo Domingo to the USA, this novel tells of the contemporary American experience.

The Old Man Who Read Love Stories – Luis Sepulveda
In a remote river town deep in the Ecuadoran jungle, Antonio José Bolívar seeks refuge in amorous novels. But tourists and opportunists are making inroads into the area, and the balance of nature is making a dangerous shift.

River God – Wilbur Smith
River God is the first in an epic series of books set in Egypt as fame and popularity breed envy in high places and the adulation of the mob is fickle. Taita is a humble sale, an experience in art, poetry and medicine but he also keeps important secrets. In the end he’ll hold the power to save them all.
We hope you’re enjoying this new blog series, we’ll be back with the next journey through literature in a few days, starting with El Salvador.
As the series continues, you can try this search to find the rest of the blogs in this series. Alternatively if you’re looking for a specific country so far we have covered:
Benin to British Virgin Islands

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