I was lucky enough to meet Sarah Govett at a book signing event last year and she is the loveliest lady. Govett is the author of The Territory, a YA trilogy that looks at a post-apocalyptic world after global warming and rising sea levels.
The fantasy thriller is set in the UK where dry land is scarce and teenagers must pass a exam or be sent to the disease-ridden wetlands, but the system is skewed to favour children from wealthy families who can afford information nodes, impregnated into the backs of their necks.
Now The Territory might be coming to our screens as New Pictures have optioned the TV and film rights to The Territory. It’s not known if the deal is just for the first novel, The Territory or the entire trilogy, The Territory; Escape, and The Territory; Truth but we’re hoping the whole trilogy will come to life on our screens!
Govett says she was inspired the write the series in order to highlight the environmental and educational challenges that teenagers are facing today, and is delighted at the prospect of seeing the books come to life on television.
New Pictures did a fantastic job of Netflix, The Innocents as well as producing BBC One’s Requiem, and The Missing. We can’t wait to see what they do with The Territory and will be eagerly awaiting more news!

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