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The Shining – King versus Kubrick

By November 21, 2016Video

How many times do we say that the book is better than the film? As a lifelong Constant Reader I think that Stanley Kubrick’s film adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining is probably one of the most contentious alterations of a book that there has ever been. 

Kath and I have often discussed The Shining with she being a fan of the film and me wanting to kick Shelly Duvall down that staircase when she is wafting the baseball bat at Jack Nicholson (among many other moments of my screaming obscenities at the TV screen) and this ‘What’s the Difference’ video made by YouTubers Cinefix lists every single change that Kubrick made when creating the film version of The Shining.

Whenever I am faced with a film adaptation I dislike though I remind myself of what author M Cain said of the film adaptation of his novel.

“They haven’t done anything to my books. They’re still right there on the shelf. They’re fine.”

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