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Spoof Celebrity ‘Auditions’ for Fire and Fury Audiobook Go Viral

By February 2, 2018Inspired by Literature, News, Video

The Grammy Awards aren’t exactly renowned for great comedy, but when you invite James Corden along and give him a mic, who knows where you’ll end up. In this case it was a celebrity sketch, with various well known characters ‘auditioning’ to read the audio book version of Fire and Fury.

The book has by far been the most talked about this year, and it’s not showing any signs of going away. In this sketch excerpts from the book are read out by various celebrity readers, egged on by Corden. Some well know names joined in with John Legend, Snoop Dogg, and even Cher reading a few lines.

Whatever you think of the current political situation, Corden hosts this sketch with aplomb. It’s hilarious, and as always he saves the best until last.


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