Stephen King has teased fans with news that more of his books may be adapted to film or television in the future.
Following the success of the first part of IT in 2017 and with Doctor Sleep, and Pet Sematary coming soon, King hinted to Entertainment Weekly that there may be more adaptations in the pipeline.
Streaming sites such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime have become increasingly interested in showcasing already-existing stories, which King attributes in part to the success of IT.

Stephen King
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, King asserted that interest in adapting his stories has increased over the last few years:
“I don’t know what to make of it, really. Every day I get another contract, another option, word that somebody is making this or that. I see scripts. Let’s put it this way, I’m in a seller’s market right now. There’s a huge hunger for story, because there’s so many different platforms now. It isn’t just the movies.
But what happened to me, I guess, was that It was such a big success that people decided well, there must be gold in some of that old sh—.
So, a lot of the old stuff, maybe, is gonna get remade. And there’s also an issue with some of the old option deals expiring, and the studios either make them or don’t make them, and they have to hurry up. I think that was a factor in The Stand, with CBS All Access. If Warner Bros. wanted to be involved, they had to do it quick, or [the rights] were gonna be all mine again.”

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